SCOM MI now released new Agent and Gateway management

Yesterday Microsoft announced the General Availability (GA) of the SCOM Agent and Gateway extensions to deploy agents and establish communication for the agents in Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance (SCOM MI). It uses Azure Arc to deploy and update the agent extensions and it can establish the connection trust that way as well. Challenges When … Read more

SCOMathon 2024

I am happy to say that SCOMathon will be organized again this year. SCOMathon 2024 will be 22 May 2024 again as an online event. Sessions will span from early morning until late in the evening, so as many people worldwide can catch some good sessions from this on the day itself. 8 sessions, 2 … Read more

Cheap SCOM training – and Cloud skills challenge

Hello friends from the SCOM and monitoring community! I want to take this opportunity to call out a few leaning opportunity regarding both SCOM and also Cloud technologies, so bare with me. First of all, TopQore offers a range of SCOM certifications and trainings, from Operator to Administrator and soon Specialist. You can find the … Read more

OMI Vulnerabilities in cross-plat management extensions

Using SCOM or Azure to monitor or manage Linux/Unix systems? Read on! Recently a number of serious vulnerabilities have been found in the OMI Framework, which is used as underlying management infrastructure tooling for managing and monitoring Linux/Unix systems. Examples are the SCOM and Log Analytics agents for these systems in Azure and on-prem. And … Read more

Azure Automation Runbook RBAC Delegation

Often it can be useful for other teams and departments to edit and run their own Azure automation runbooks, however, this creates a challenge – permissions. Runbooks live and are managed from within Azure Automation accounts which are in turn connected to log analytics workspaces and their associated agents. Both automation accounts and log analytics … Read more

MVP Global Cloud Skills Challenge

In the month of May 2021 the Microsoft MVP’s were challenged to participate voluntarily in a cloud skills challenge. During time of the Microsoft Ignite events there are more often learning challenges for the whole public, which means going through a number of Microsoft Learn modules within a certain time. Usually this is about 8 … Read more