SCOM Console Linux Agent Upgrade Issue

When Microsoft releases a new UNIX\Linux agent version and you upgrade the agents, it is possible that the SCOM Console shows upgrade as done but the versions may revert back to the previous version. We will look into why this happens and how to solve it. In low privileged environments, defined UNIX\Linux accounts in your … Read more

New SCOM management pack for Certificate monitoring

SCOM monitoring evolves constantly, sometimes through versions and features of the product and sometimes through the Management Packs. Today I want to talk about monitoring certificates and CRL’s for Windows servers and PKI. For years this was covered through a community management pack created by Raphael Burri and is maintained on Github over here. I … Read more

SCOM versions Poll

Hello my monitoring friends, I am doing a quick 1-question poll. What version(s) of SCOM are you currently using in production? It is anonymous, multiple selections are possible if you run multiple versions. The picture below takes you to this link as well. I am asking this as preparation for a webinar. Much appreciated … Read more

SCOM training courses at different levels

TopQore SCOM Certification path banner

As many of you know, I have been trying to help people in the SCOM and monitoring communities by answering questions, writing blogs, books, webinars and all kinds of content to increase the use and effectiveness of monitoring environments anywhere in the world. Part of my work, both community and as a consultant has always … Read more