So, can I monitor RedHat 6 with SCOM 2019 UR1’s Universal UNIX/Linux management pack?

Hello fellow SCOM admins,
Some time ago I have blogged about monitoring an older version of RedHat 6 with SCOM 2019. Using an older management pack that usually comes with SCOM 2016, we were able to discover RedHat 6 and monitor it properly.
However, with the release of SCOM 2019 UR1 there were some changes. The availability of the Universal UNIX/Linux management pack would make UNIX/Linux a lot easier, as less management packs are required for monitoring multiple versions of UNIX/Linux. That leaves us with the following question; would that imply the Universal UNIX/Linux management pack, is universal enough to support RedHat 6?
Time to find out! For the sake of this example, let’s have a look how this would go in a semi-fresh installation of SCOM 2019, without UR1, and what management packs are there to support RedHat 6.

System Center 2019 UR1 is released

Today Microsoft released Update Rollup 1 for System Center 2019. This includes updates for SCOM, Orchestrator, SCSM, DPM and VMM. This page includes links to the separate KB articles for each of the mentioned System Center products with specifics. I will write a separate post for the SCOM 2019 UR1 updates in a few … Read more

Monitoring Red Hat 6 with SCOM 2019

Lets first start this post with an introduction to the topic. At several of our customers and during several speaking engagements we encountered questions about if certain versions of Linux/Unix were supported or not for newer versions of SCOM (in today’s case the most common being Red Hat 6 on SCOM 2019). The simple answer is that it is … Read more