Windows Admin Center 2103 released

Windows Admin Center (WAC) has been growing as the new default tool to manage your Windows Servers. It has been getting more and more extensions which essentially replace the old style MMC based management tools, like eventvwr, regedit, services and many more. Also the features and extensions are updated regularly to give better experiences. And … Read more

SCOM as a secure application

Lately we regularly have chats with customers about SCOM as an application and the security measures it has. For example if TLS1.2 is supported, because customer wants to turn older versions off. Another example is question if agents are authenticated and if traffic is encrypted while in transit. Yesterday Bhavna Appayya from the SCOM product … Read more

SCOM 2016 UR10 released

A few weeks ago System Center 2016 Update Rollup 10 was released, but with a short delay on the SCOM update UR10. Today the SCOM 2016 UR10 has been released as well. Let’s have a look at what fixes it mainly contains, and below you will find the relevant link to the page:   … Read more

Humans of IT blog post

A few weeks ago while talking to the Humans of IT team about how I got into IT, they asked me to write a blog post about my story from Fisheries Biologist to wherever I am now. It is an interesting part of our field of work in IT, looking at people who are still … Read more

Webinar: Skyrocket the performance of your SCOM environment

On Thursday 29 October 2020 at 04:00 pm CET we will host a webinar called “Skyrocket the performance of your SCOM environment” We asked our good friend Stoyan Chalakov and fellow MVP to talk about the methods and tricks to make the SCOM infrastructure perform much better. Stoyan and Bob will take turns chatting about … Read more

SCOM 2019 UR2 released

Last night System Center 2019 Update Rollup 2 was released. I blogged about the list of 5 products updated and their respective KB article pages here. This blog post will be specifically about SCOM though. What we always do first is go to the KB article and read what is new, what is fixed and … Read more

System Center 2019 Update Rollup 2 released

Yesterday we saw the release of System Center 2019 Update Rollup 2 for the following products: SCOM, SCDPM, SCVMM, SCSM, and SCORCH with fixes and improvements. Some have quite a long list of fixes and improvements, so in this post  WILL FIRST place the pointers to the KB articles for those individual updates. System Center … Read more

Attaching DPM 2019 agent gives error 0x800706fd

While finally getting round to replacing a DPM server with a newer DPM server I was moving agents to the new machine and got an error. Just for reference I will put the process down here as well in basic steps and where I ran into the error and what solved it. Moving the DPM … Read more

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