SCOM training courses at different levels

TopQore SCOM Certification path banner

As many of you know, I have been trying to help people in the SCOM and monitoring communities by answering questions, writing blogs, books, webinars and all kinds of content to increase the use and effectiveness of monitoring environments anywhere in the world. Part of my work, both community and as a consultant has always … Read more

SCOM Reporting Webinar

We are announcing that we will do a webinar about “SCOM Reporting Essentials” on Thursday 20 August 2020 at 4 PM CET (Amsterdam time). The webinar will be presented by Bob Cornelissen and Martijn Weterings. You can register for the webinar through Title: SCOM Reporting Essentials When: Thursday 20 August at 4 PM CET (Amsterdam time) Who: … Read more

SCOM Reporting series – Useful reports Availability and SLA

Blog series SCOM Reporting

This is a continuation of the SCOM Reporting blog post series. Today I want to talk a little bit about Availability and/or SLA/SLO reporting. Basically stakeholders for the monitoring often want to know if a server or application was UP during the last month/week/day. In SCOM this is defined by two items, the agent itself … Read more