What is an Application Centric Network?

Note: This is an entry for the TopQore Blog Wiriting contest for ExpertsLive India. It is written by Mohammed Ziaurrahman from Hyderabad in India. Introduction An application network is a way to connect applications, data, and devices to utilize some or all of the assets and data on the network. Instead of utilizing point-to-point connections or … Read more

The case of undiscovered SQL server roles in SCOM

Another case of a SCOM investigation we got involved in was about the SQL team trying to monitor SQL Analysis Services (SSAS) using SCOM. Management pack was installed, agent deployed, proxy enabled, runas accounts arranged, rights arranged for the runas account. And nothing found on those SQL servers. In the meantime this case was already … Read more

Azure Portal Issue or Your Internet is Poor

Hi All, As Bob is busy in meetings, webinar and other stuff so he asked me to write something for our new blog. I thought a lot and found, This time we should share something related to new Kid of MS. This is none other than….. yes, you are guessing pretty right here. We are talking about … Read more

Find Disconnected User on Servers using PowerShell Script SCOM Monitor

There are some slowness on Azure and On-premises servers. And as a part of CloudOps and DevOps team I again need to look into it, so given a promise to my server and application owner that I will work on it.   And found some curios and interesting facts in this case. Teams are accessing … Read more

SCOM 2016 UR6 released

As stated in my previous post System Center 2016 products (SCOM, DPM, VMM, Orch) came with SCOM Update Rollup 6. For SCOM this means a number of things got fixed, See the excerpt from the KB article below:   Improvements and issues that are fixed Application pool crashes and SharePoint application crashes because of APM agent … Read more

System Center 2016 Update Rollup 6 released

A few days ago System Center 2016 Update Rollup 6 was released. The products receiving UR6 are: SCOM, DPM, VMM, Orchestrator. The link below has the links to all 4 product UR6 pages: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4469613/description-of-update-rollup-6-for-microsoft-system-center-2016 I will make a separate post about the SCOM specific update. Bob Cornelissen

SCOM alert rule MP fragment for CPU and Memory

Hi All, We are back with new MP fragments for Core monitoring of Server. Before writing and sharing anything…………    just a quick question Have you ever thought we could create CPU, Memory, Disk alert using SCOM rule? If Yes, You are like me…….. If No, Then you are not like me……… LOL Ok, Coming to … Read more