Export SCOM Subscriptions using Powershell

Today another guest blog. This time by my friend Sameer Mhaisekar from India.


 It is often required to be able to look at all your subscriptions and how they’re all tangled together with subscribers and channels, especially when you’ve inherited a SCOM management Group from someone else and you’re trying to explore the environment. It is very tedious to map together all the subscriptions manually and and it takes a lot of time as well.

Having faced with a similar situation recently, I wrote this quick initial version of a script that will fetch all these relationships for you and export them to a text file under “C:\Temp\subscriptioninfo.txt”

Script exports the following:

1. Subscription Criteria in detail
2. Channel used
3. SMTP endpoint
4. Email recipients (subscribers)
5. Email subject/body/format, etc. and much more.

You can find the script from Sameer here: Export all subscriptions in a text file 

Note: Just rename the file as .ps1 and run it as an administrator. I will try to further release modified versions of the script to make it “cleaner” and “optimized”.

Note June 2021: The script has been moved from TechNet Galleries to GitHub, the above link has been adjusted to reflect this change. Thanks Sameer for re-posting it.

Note August 2021: Blake Drumm has been making modifications to the script and you can find his extended version here: SCOM-Scripts-and-SQL/Get-SCOMNotificationSubscriptionDetails.ps1 at master · blakedrumm/SCOM-Scripts-and-SQL · GitHub , thank you for notifying and sharing Blake!

Hope this helps!
