Error 31901 during Exchange 2003 discovery

At one of my customers I accidentally came across a machine that was not running its dicovery of the Exchange 2003 role correctly. I was actually looking for something else and had to connect to the mail server and because I did not remember its name I…

Exchange 2010 stuff

Like I said a lot of interesting things are happening and here are a few posts from several blogs (and a few from the You had me at EHLO blog!) that caught my eye for several reasons!Exchange 2010 SP1 Beta has been released and has been discussed pre…

SBS 2003 Activesync problem and OMA

The other day I was talking to a friend with a problem using Activesync from several devices to a SBS 2003 server. He had gone through several KB articles and could not find the solution.
So full of hope I started out on the server and checkin…