SCOM CEP meeting on Network Monitoring

As I said earlier I was not able to attend a few SCOM CEP meetings and did not have the time to blog about the fantastic features the new System Center 2012 Operations Manager is sporting. But as I was writing already anyway, I can give it another go.…

SCOM CEP – Last meeting notes

Today was the last SCOM CEP meeting. I know I have missed the previous two meetings and promissed to write about them. Have not come to that yet. Will see what I can do about that. WIll for sure handle the topics soon 🙄
So this last meeting was…

Funny install issue

We had something funny today in a non-production environment.
We were simply installing the great product nWorks 5.6.
Installing the EMS first. During the install have to enter a service account. So we did, existing account in the domain, local admin…

SCOM 2007 RMS promotion seems stuck

Here is another thing I saw happening in a test environment, which does not happen if you follow the guide 🙂 But always good to know what it looks like. Thought it is informative for somebody who might run into that and search for it.
This is situa…

SCOM CEP program

Just a short note this time. I have blogged about the SCOM 2012 CEP (community evaluation program) a lot already. And yes, I have yet to blog about the last two sessions, but I have been swamped with stuff to do. I will get to it for sure as they are ve…

Inside Central podcasts

A few weeks ago I have been part of an Inside Central podcast on cross platform monitoring with SCOM, with Dan Kregor and Pete Zerger. It was lots of fun to do. Also good news is that the website for inside podcast network has been renewed and revamped.…

Mastering SCOM 2012 book

Early next year there will be a new Mastering SCOM 2012 book from Sybex. I have been asked to participate as a writer for this book together with a few others. So I will be writing a few chapters for that book the coming months. I love the challenge and…

SCOM 2012 RC ready for download

Just got word over at the Server Cloud blog that SCOM 2012 RC is available for download.
This is…