We did a webinar about ChatGPT last time and we wanted to dive one deeper into combining the power of AI and ChatGPT with our other favorite product – SCOM – and see how that works out. Lucky our friends at GripMatix created something for that, so let’s investigate.
When: Wednesday 12 April 2023 at 4 PM CEST (Europe – Amsterdam time)
Who: Merijn Overgaauw, Marc van der Veer, Sameer Mhaisekar and Bob Cornelissen
To register for the webinar go through our webinars page: Let your SCOM alerts talk with ChatGPT
Also after the webinar date, you can find a link to the recording there. If you go through the registration forms (before or after), you also get a TopQore Community participant badge for this one! Gotta collect them all!