At last MMS 2012 we got the opportunity to take the beta versions of the Private Cloud exams 70-246 and 70-247 for System Center 2012. I must say they were tough exams and I and many others were not sure about the results. Usually I have a feeling about an exam I took, but this time it was very mixed. The thing is with these exams that they are filled with questions on different technologies in the System Center 2012 suite and stuff around it.
Yesterday I got confirmation on the first exam and today on the second one. I am pleased to report that I passed both of them.
Very happy with that. It means I have all the prerequisites for the MCSE Private Cloud certification! B)
I will soon write a post about all the new Windows Server, desktop and System Center exams and certifications which are here or coming up within this year. It will probably not contain the same about the SQL 2012 and programming/Visual Studio related exams for 2012, but know there will be similar new exams for those as well.
Bob Cornelissen