SCOM agent error Microsoft ESENT Keys are required

Ran into this error while manually changing some SCOM agents. They actually needed both an update and a second management group configured.
While trying to update the settings of the SCOM agent through Add/Remove programs on Windows 2008 boxes I got t…

Additional SCOM Update KB981263

Microsoft released another SCOM update KB981263:
Management servers or assigned agents unexpectedly appear as unavailable in the Operations Manager console in Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008
Consider the following scenario:
You install…

SCDPM and SCSM documentation

Going to start reading the documentation is always a good place to start.
So as DPM 2010 and Service Manager 2010 hit RTM you can find the docs and links to docs here:
DPM 2010:
Service Man…

SCOM 2007 R2 Cumulative Update 2 is out

The new Cumulative Update 2 for OpsMgr 2007 R2 has been released just before this weekend.
You can find the download at the download center:…

SCOM R2 Unleashed book at MMS

From a posting by Kerrie: At the MMS Veeam is giving away a limited number of copies of this great new book. There will also be signings by the authors!
Congrats for getting the paper version out there too Kerrie!!!
Bob Cornelissen