I have written and talked about Jalasofts great tool called Device Simulator. Many people in the monitoring space have been using this tool in previous versions. Today they released a fresh version of this tool to the 5.5 version.
The main additions to this version are:
- An OID editor meant to customize the behavior of certain OID’s within the simulation file of your to be simulated device.
- The SNMP Dump Manager to more easily work with al the simulation files you are using
- The number of simulated devices out of the box has been expanded to over 100!
This tool can be used for free provided you only simulate a few devices at a time. And for a few dollars an expanded license can be bought to do a lot more testing with this.
For demo and test environments this can be used a lot as a primairy tool to simulate network devices without needing to have all of that infrastructure in production. Also you could take a recording of an existing device in your production and even including real time data and play it back through the simulator.
Everybody needs a copy of this piece of software!
Get the Jalasoft Device Simulator over here.
Bob Cornelissen