Cluster Disks management pack addendum updated

A few months ago Microsoft released newer versions of the Windows Server base OS management pack. This version had a good number of improvements, especially in the monitoring of cluster disk and cluster shared volumes. However the pack was still not complete enough in the sense that it missed the performance collection rules for Cluster Disks (the new class, replacing the Logical Disk pieces especially for CLustered instances).
My highly respected colleague MVP Daniele Grandini helped out by creating an addendum management pack for Cluster Disks which would take care of this. Explanation can be found here: Cluster Disks management pack addendum and he posted the management pack on the Technet Gallery over here:
This week I was loading new management packs – Windows Base OS and SQL and of course this addendum mp because they had a lot of clusters in this monitored environment. And discovered that the pack Daniele had authored was authored on a SCOM 2012, while I was loading it into a SCOM 2007 R2 at the moment and that did not work for two reasons. So I changed the management pack a bit to make it work with SCOM 2007 R2 as well and sent it back to Daniele and he immediately placed the changed MP on the TechNet Gallery entry mentioned above. Its great to get these adjustments out this fast and really proves how much we can do in the community by joining forces to make things work and share!
If you are into monitoring Clusters than take a good look at the latest WIndows Server mp and this addendum mp to catch a bit more (and more reliable) ifnormation about your high available systems.
Big thanks to Daniele Grandini!
Bob Cornelissen