Webinar SCOMathon

On Tuesday 16 June 2020 there will be a FULL day of SCOM and monitoring related sessions at the SCOMathon. This really is more than a while day of sessions and of course they will be recorded so you can watch them all. There are many speakers and sub topics. We will also have a session related to SCOM migration/upgrade scenario’s. Currently the schedule is 7 AM CET to 11 PM CET. If you register for the event you can watch all of it. If you do anything around SCOM I highly recommend it!

Topic:  SCOM Upgrade Primer

When: Tuesday 16 June 2020 at 2:10 PM CET (Amsterdam time)
The session is scheduled for half an hour with possibility for Q&A also after.

Speakers: Bob Cornelissen, MVP and CTO at TopQore.


We will go through the SCOM versions and support cycles, followed by the process to decide which upgrade path to follow – In Place or Side-by-Side. For each we will go through the process and things to remember before and while running the upgrade itself.

Feel free to register for the event or watch a recording by going to our webinar page: https://topqore.com/webinars/scom-upgrade-primer/