My friend and fellow MVP and Savision enthusiast Marnix Wolf blogged about this issue and a quick solution provided by Savision last month. However the solution is now updated.
The Issue:
- You run SCOM 2012 SP1 UR2
- You run Savision Live Maps for SCOM 2012 version 1.2.0
- When accessing the SCOM Web Console you get the following error:
System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: [ReflectionTypeLoad_LoadFailed]
The cause:
There was an incompatibility in the Savision Summary Widget with the UR2 update for SCOM.
The previous solution:
Savision quickly released a newer version of their Summary Widget mp (version within a few days and blogged about it here.
The update to this solution:
Savision released version 1.2.1 on the 13th of June 2013. The separate management pack files can not be downloaded anymore from their website. Simply download the full Savision Live Maps for 2012 version 1.2.1 from their website here and run the upgrade to the latest version and make sure that the Summary Widget management pack files are upgraded to 1.2.1.x version.
After you install the Savision Authoring console version 1.2.1 you can find the two management pack files in the following path (if you used a different install path you will be able to find it now I guess): “C:\Program Files\Savision\Live Maps for OpsMgr 2012\Authoring Console\Management Pack” . Current versions today are for these two files.
Savision did fix a few other issues between 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 release. There is a link to the release notes next to the download link on their website.
Now you can enjoy your monitoring and dashboarding of course! B)B)
And thanks to Savision for the updates.
Bob Cornelissen