Update Rollup 4 for System Center Advisor released

I saw that last night Microsoft released Update Rollup 4 for System Center Advisor for download and to WSUS.
The KB article explains where to get it (I already hinted that also WSUS gives this one) and what is contained.
From the KB article:
Issues that Update Rollup 4 fixes
This update resolves the following issues:
•Advisor RunAs account setting has to be more robust.
•Advisor on-premises agent displays information bugs.
•Advisor on-premisea agent and gateway components have to be stabilized.
By the way also in SCOM 2012 R2 there will be more Advisor links between SCOM and Advisor so we can integrate and improve this platform. So looking forward to that later! I will blog about these things more at a later date.
Happy monitoring with Advisor!
Bob Cornelissen