SCOM agent not starting after installation

Today I was upgrading a number of SCOM agents from SP1 to R2 version (using split monitoring at first).
After the installation the agents refused to start.
After a manual try on the machines to start the service I got the following error:

Where is my SCOM R2?

Update to below post: Still not on MSDN but available on partner download site now. I saw on the blog from my friend Marnix that he had it on MVLS as well now.
Well my friends… I did have some discussions about the availability of the SCOM R2 bits…

SCOM auto-recovery when cluster service stops

Came across a blogpost from Kevin Holman today about the behavior of SCOM in combination with the Cluster service when the Clustering Management pack is installed. When the cluster service goes down on a cluster node there is an automatic recovery that i…