SCOM 2007 – Defeat the Management Server 0x80FF003F processing the configuration failed

Another thing we saw in a SCOM 2007 R2 CU4 environment we were playing in to create new management servers, break them, migrate them, restore them and so on and so on.
What happens…
Installed a new management server and on top of that installed the SCOM 2007 R2 CU4 (that was the current version for that environment). All good. Next after a few minutes we saw the following error on that management server:
Source: HealthService
Event ID: 7022
The Health Service has downloaded secure configuration for management group (management group name), and processing the configuration failed with error code 0x80FF003F(0x80FF003F).
Source: HealthService
Event ID: 1220
Received configuration cannot be processed. Management group (management group name). The error is 0x80FF003F(0x80FF003F).
I knew I had seen this before so I checked my document where I try to keep track of these things and found two entries to KB articles. One is about when this happens on an agent which happens to be a domain controlelr as well, and the other one was about a newly installed management server. Bingo!
New Management Server unable to get configuration in System Center Operations Manager 2007
So as stated in the KB article we changed the “Default Action Account” runas profile for that server to Local System Action Account and everything was running again. Waited a few minutes for the server to go ahead and come to peace with itself. Next we wanted to move the runas account back to the action account it was running under in that profile as stated in the article as well. Immediate error and it would not let me save this new config. If that happens to you, just go to that runas account and re-type the password (even though it is still the same!). Next change the runas profile again.. working!
Not sure why this would have gone wrong, but it sure helped to get stuff working again!
I have sometimes seen something go wrong with a runas account on the password and with re-typing it stuff started to work again.
If you run into it, good luck!
Bob Cornelissen