SCOM 2007 R2 Cumulative Update 2 is out

The new Cumulative Update 2 for OpsMgr 2007 R2 has been released just before this weekend.
You can find the download at the download center:…

SCOM R2 Unleashed book at MMS

From a posting by Kerrie: At the MMS Veeam is giving away a limited number of copies of this great new book. There will also be signings by the authors!
Congrats for getting the paper version out there too Kerrie!!!
Bob Cornelissen

System Center Essentials 2010 is RTM

Earlier today System Center Essentials 2010 (SCE 2010) was released to manufacturing.
Some of the highlights from the SCE website:
System Center Essentials 2010 (Essentials 2010) is a new management solution in the System Center family of…

Stranded in europe for MMS

 Looks like I am one fo those who got stranded in Europe this weekend, due to airspace being closed. Wanted to fly tomorrow from Amsterdam via London to Las Vegas and for a while it did look like it might just go through because I had a later flig…