Forefront Endpoint Protection Server Health Monitoring Management Pack

The Forefront Endpoint Protection Server Health Monitoring Management Pack has been released.
This is the information coming from the download site:
Forefront Endpoint Protection Server Health Management Pack monitors health of the FEP servers and alerts on server health changes. As most of FEP functionality is based on Configuration Manager infrastructure, this MP only monitors two standalone components:

  • SQL agent job that copies data from Configuration Manager database to FEP Data Warehouse
  • FEP alerting service

Management Pack also alerts on events in Windows Event Log that indicate error conditions of FEP Server.
Feature Summary

  • Monitors FEP Service (responsible for sending alerts and updating malware metadata)
  • Checks existence and health of FEP SSIS job that copies data from Configuration Manager DB to FEP Data Wareshouse
  • Monitors events generated by FEP Server

Release History
12/8/2010 – Original release, version 2.0.0647.0
You can download the management here:
Be sure to read the RTFM 🙂 You will also see that this MP is not meant to monitor individual agents, but just monitors the health of the FEP SERVER. Monitoring of its clients is done through the SCCM mechanism.
Bob Cornelissen