New SCOM Core MP 6.1.7695.0 released

Great news… the new version of the SCOM Core MPs have been released at version 6.1.7695.0
I really like the parts where we get a report where we can report agent state (and including the grey state!). We now get alerted if an alert subscription is f…

SCOM console error could not load type from assembly

This is an older error that still keeps popping up at several customers of mine because of catching up patch cycles. I just thought I would re-blog this one again as I see it more often.
What happens:
When openening the SCOM console it tries to conne…

Windows Live Messenger 2011 was not signing in

Recently I upgraded to the latest Windows Live Essentials 2011 with Live Messenger in it. I found out that from a corporate network I couldn’t get it to login. When running the troubleshooting option I saw it stopped at “Key Ports”. I first suspected the…

New HP StorageWorks Management Pack for SCOM 2007

The past weeks have been too busy to write anything. have to get back into it again I think B)So I know this MP has been released about 3 weeks ago, but I thought I would list it anyway, also because I will need it soon and the URL is too difficult t…

Back from holidays

The last weeks before my holidays have been busy and I have not blogged during my holiday either. And now it seems like everybody has been saving up all the work and appointments for me, so I am filling up quite fast.
I must say that my vacation in Th…